I am a developmental cognitive scientist studying how infants use their visual and attention systems to learn about people, objects, and properties of their environments. My work emphasizes a developmental perspective and aims to identify the multiple interacting mechanisms that drive change over time. My current research is supported by a NRSA F32 fellowship and uses eye tracking and emerging computational tools to assess how experience and low-level visual processes together shape the development of visual attention.

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Brianna K. Hunter, Ph.D.

 Research Experience

2016 - 2017

Honors R.A.

PI: Dr. Lisa Scott

2017 - 2022

Ph.D. Student

PI: Dr. Julie Markant

2015 - 2017

Research Associate

PI: Dr. Shawn Dotson

2013 - 2017

Research Assistant

PI: Dr. Neil Rowland

2022 - Present

Postdoctoral Fellow

PI: Drs. Lisa Oakes & Steve Luck